Defending Russia

Strategy and design of the patriotic community Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

We were approached by representatives of the Russian Ministry of Defense with the task of coming up with a community to popularize the Russian armed forces. I immediately came up with the idea of calling it Defend Russia. When one of my friends subscribed to this community, my feed would show Ivan Ivanov liking Defend Russia.
Over the course of a few years, over 500,000 people subscribed to the community.

We developed the name, logo, corporate identity, social media design, community strategy and content plan.


Design of a social network

Content Strategy: Doping-Pong

In addition to the latest army-related news, we have implemented a unique content plan. For example, together with the St. Petersburg art group Doping-Pong, they came up with and posted unique images on patriotic themes and tied to certain dates and events.

We present to your attention some (in our opinion, the best) examples of collaboration.


Our team developed a community website, which eventually received a media license.

View the website


Our team developed a community website, which eventually received a media license.

View the Defender's Rules

Defender's Rules

We have come up with, drawn and animated the rules of the Defender of the Fatherland.

Christmas Tree toys

As a great corporate gift to all defenders!

View the website